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Incoming President’s Message – Karen Grant

Incoming President’s Message – Karen Grant

by Karen Grant, President, Fredericton Chamber of Commerce I’m honoured to be the incoming president for 2019-2020. Thank you to Ryan Boyer for his leadership this past year, and farewell to Keir Clark, who will be leaving the Board after serving his last year. I...
Inclusive Hiring

Inclusive Hiring

By Corinne Arseneau The New Brunswick Association for Community Living (NBACL/ANBIC) is a provincial, non-profit organization that works with and on behalf of children and adults with an intellectual or developmental disability and their families. We are a proud...
Advocacy Update

Advocacy Update

Bill 9 – Taxing Machinery and Equipment Bill 9, which sought to include the value of machinery and equipment in property tax calculations has been withdrawn by MLA Gerry Lowe – stating that he didn’t know he wasn’t allowed to submit bills that increased taxes as...
Busy Women – The Property Ladies

Busy Women – The Property Ladies

Before the days of Linkedin, there were head-hunters. Recruiters, I mean: paid professionals hired to find the right person for the right job. “That was interesting work,” recalls Fanny Bodart, who was a recruiter in Europe for a company called Nicholson...
2019-2020 NB Budget

2019-2020 NB Budget

In our 2019-2020 pre-budget brief to the provincial government (available on our website), we urged Finance Minister Steeves to focus on what is and what is not a core area of government as a way to make it more apparent what is a government ‘investment’ and what is a...