APEX Home Inspections
145 Liverpool Street
Fredericton, NB E3B 4V6
Tel: (506) 260-2413
Email: mike.strong@apexhomeinspections.ca
Website: apexhomeinspections.ca
Main Contact: Mike Strong
Dr. Anthony Poon Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
565 Priestman Street, Suite 302
Fredericton, NB E3B 5×8
Tel: (506) 206-5588
Email: poonsla22@gmail.com
Main Contact: Dr. Anthony Poon
Grant West Plumbing & Heating
13 Maple Leaf Drive
Lincoln, NB E3B 7G9
Tel: (506) 292-3565
Email: grantwestplumbing@gmail.com
Website: grantwestpumbing.com
Main Contact: Grant West
Stanley Mutual Insurance Company
32 Irishtown Road
Stanley, NB E6B 1B6
Tel: (800) 442-9714
Email: colin.brewer@stanleymutual.com
Website: stanleymutual.com
Main Contact: Colin Brewer
AMG Claims Inc.
212 Queen Street, Suite 308
Fredericton, NB E3B 1A8
Tel: (506) 458-9000
Email: greg.potten@amgcliams.ca
Website: amgclaims.ca
Main Contact: Greg Potten
Targett’s Window and Door Center
PO Box 3527, Station B
Fredericton, NB E3A 5J8
Tel: (506) 444-8777
Email: nick@targetts.ca
Website: targetts.ca
Main Contact: Nick Thebeau
Partners for Youth Inc.
535 Beaverbrook Court, Suite B10
Fredericton, NB E3B 1X6
Tel: (506) 462-0323
Email: info@partnersforyouth.ca
Website: partnersforyouth.ca
Main Contact: Fiona Williams
3D Planeta
c/o Planet Hatch
50 Crowther Lane, Suite 140
Fredericton, NB E3C 0J1
Email: norm.couturier@3dplaneta.com
Website: 3dplaneta.com
Main Contact: Norm Couturier
J. Donovan Law Group
23 Avonlea Court
Fredericton, NB E3C 1N8
Tel: (506) 406-8080
Email: jennifer@jdonovanlaw.ca
Website: jdonovanlaw.ca
Main Contact: Jennifer Donovan
50 Crowther Lane, Suite 140
Fredericton, NB E3C 0J1
Email: manali.paranjpe@lateetud.com
Website: lateetud.com
Main Contact: Manali Paranjpe
ADT Security Services Canada Inc.
119 Camp Road
Durham Bridge, NB E6C 1N8
Tel: (506) 440-2137
Email: jpaquin@adt.ca
Website: adt.ca
Main Contact: Jacques Paquin
Sedin Technologies
50 Crowther Lane, Suite 140
Fredericton, NB E3C 0J1
Email: mani@seditechnologies.com
Website: sedintechnologies.com
Main Contact: Mani Kandaraman
Clonmore Associates
670 Douglas Avenue
Fredericton, NB E3A 5T1
Tel: (506) 470-8683
Email: greg.byrne@clonmoregroup.com
Main Contact: Greg Byrne
50 Crowther Lane, Suite 140
Fredericton, NB E3C 0J1
Email: usman.rafique@qairus.com
Website: qairus.org
Main Contact: Usman Rafique
IPSG Technology Inc.
259 Brunswick Street, Suite 304
Fredericton, NB E3B 1G8
Tel: (506) 206-8533
Email: dwhelan@ipsgtechnology.com
Website: ipsgtechnology.com
Main Contact: David Whelan
New Brunswick KISS Political Party
208 Upper Woodland Road
Woodlands, NB E6B 1N1
Tel: (506) 367-2177
Email: gerald@kissnb.com
Website: kissnb.com
Main Contact: Gerald Bourque
The Triple Effect
50 Crother Lane, Suite 140
Fredericton, NB E3C 0J1
Email: sally@thetripleeffect.com
Website: thetripleeffect.com
Main Contact: Sally Ng
Fredericton Community Acupuncture
358 King Street, Suite 102
Fredericton, NB E3B 1E3
Tel: (506) 575-5443
Email: fcacupuncture@use.startmail.com
Website: fcacupuncture.ca
Main Contact: Paul Desrosiers
EhEye! Inc.
50 Crowther Lane, Suite 140
Fredericton, NB E3C 0J1
Email: Shawn.mitchell@eheye.com
Main Contact: Shawn Mitchell
AGE-WELL National Innovation
100 Sunset Drive
Fredericton, NB E3A 1A3
Tel: (506) 444-8300
Email: info@appta.ca
Website: agewell-nih-appta.ca
Main Contact: Candice Pollack
ServUs Health Inc.
50 Crowther Lane, Suite 140
Fredericton, NB E3C 0J1
Email: vikram@servusapp.com
Website: servusapp.com
Main Contact: Vikram Devaguptapu
The Chapman Group
527 Queen Street, Suite B160
Fredericton, NB E3B 1B8
Tel: (506) 343-3920
Email: tanya@chapmangroupcan.com
Website: chapmangroupcan.ca
Main Contact: Krystal Boyd
Mark Taylor and Associates
24 Augusta Close
Fredericton, NB E3B 0M7
Tel: (506) 471-3827
Email: mark@engagemarktaylor.com
Website: engagemarktaylor.com
Main Contact: Mark Taylor
Educated Beards Inc.
210 College Hill Road
Fredericton, NB E3B 2E8
Tel: (506) 260-0927
Email: info@educatedbeards.ca
Website: educatedbeards.ca
Main Contact: Alicia Phillips
Habitat Inc.
50 Crowther Lane, Suite 140
Fredericton, NB E3C 0J1
Tel: (519) 777-4528
Email: luiji@wall-in-one.com
Website: wall-in-one.com
Main Contact: Luigi Palladino
Exhacket Security Consultants Inc.
115 Route 105, Unit 13
Lower St. Mary’s, NB E3A 8P8
Tel: (506) 261-6949
Email: adam@exhackt.ca
Website: exhackt.ca
Main Contact: Adam Stapledon
Greatway Financial Inc.
50 Crowther Lane, Suite 140
Fredericton, NB E3C 0J1
Tel: (506) 453-2089
Email: kuyaroland1@gmail.com
Website: greatwayfinancial.com
Main Contact: Roland Moreno
We Build Contracting
17 Manor Court
Fredericton, NB E3B 2M9
Tel: (506) 461-8597
Email: info@webuild.ca
Website: webuild.ca
Main Contact: Derek Weeks
ARD Enterprises Ltd.
140 Woodmere Drive
Upper Kingsclear, NB E3E 1V3
Tel: (506) 449-0900
Email: ard@bellaliant.net
Main Contact: Pattie Durling
DMC (Dallas Mercer Consulting Inc.)
1133 St. George Street, Suite 425
Moncton, NB E1E 4E1
Tel: (877) 709-3359
Email: tshute@dmconsulting.ca
Website: dmconsulting.ca
Main Contact: Tracy Shute
JMN Enterprises Inc.
50 Crowther Lane, Suite 140
Fredericton, NB E3C 0J1
Email: mathieu.collin686@gmail.com
Website: jmncanada.com
Main Contact: Mathieu Collin
The Word Wiz Marketing
1306 Woodstock Road
Fredericton, NB E3B 7S1
Tel: (506) 259-4125
Email: word@thewordwiz.com
Website: thewordwiz.com
Main Contact: Jessica Newman
MDMS Managed Digital Media
Services Inc.
310 Governor Lane
Fredericton, NB E3B 7K9
Tel: (506) 429-4690
Email: mitch@mdms.ca
Website: mdms.ca
Main Contact: Mitchell Poirier
Northrup and Sons Inc. dba Leon’s Furniture and Appliances
970 Alison Boulevard
Fredericton, NB E3C 0C3
Tel: (506) 458-5454
Email: debbienorthrup@leons177.ca
Main Contact: Debbie and Tyler Northrup
River View Orchards (2012) Ltd.
251 Route 616
Keswick Ridge, NB E6L 1R9
Tel: (506) 238-7537
Email: andrewlovell@hotmail.com
Main Contact: Andrew Lovell
Hundred Acre Wood Wellness
358 King Street #203
Fredericton, NB E3B 1E3
Tel: (506) 260-1680
Email: jacie@hundredacrewoodwellness.ca
Website: hundredacrewoodwellness.ca
Main Contact: Jacie Thebeau
Global Center Ice Inc.
10 Kerry Lane
New Maryland, NB E3C 1J9
Tel: (506) 449-0853
Email: rogershannon@
Website: frederictonredwings.com
Main Contact: Roger Shannon
Social Safeguard o/a Safeguard Cyber
50 Crowther Lane, Suite 140
Fredericton, NB E3C 0J1
Email: miked@safeguardcyber.com
Website: safeguardcyber.com
Main Contact: Mike Danforth
Elm City Sprayfoam Tec Inc.
3 Timothy Avenue North, unit 16
Fredericton, NB E3C 1M8
Tel: (506) 260-0111
Email: bourgoindrywall@live.ca
Website: elmcitysprayfoam.com
Main Contact: Alain Bourgoin
Mav Synergetic
50 Crowther Lane, Suite 140
Fredericton, NB E3C 0J1
Email: brody@mavsynergetic.com
Website: mavsynergetic.com
Main Contact: Brody Hanson
Family Enrichment & Counseling Services
Fredericton, NB E3B 1B2
Tel: (506) 458-8211
Email: ed@familyenrichment.ca
Website: familyenrichment.ca
Main Contact: Leentje Deleuil
Ringos/Coffee Mill
1187 Smythe Street
Fredericton, NB E3B 3H4
Tel: (506) 452-1069
Email: coffeemillcanada@hotmail.com
Website: ringos.ca
Main Contact: Katie Martens
Sweat Club Inc.
361 Queen Street, Unit 3
Fredericton, NB
Tel: (506) 457-0987
Email: info@sweatclubinc.ca
Website: sweatclubinc.ca
Main Contact: Laura Clendenning