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By Andy Clark

Think of the biggest business decision you have to make in the next six months. What is the value of getting that decision right—to you and your business?

Imagine that you could discuss this decision—weigh options, be challenged, get different perspectives—from a dozen or so non-competing business owners who are invested in helping you succeed.

Now imagine that you could do that every single time you had a big decision to make? What would be the value of THAT to you and your business?

That’s the power of peer advisory groups. They allow you to harness the wisdom and perspectives of other business owners, leaders, and entrepreneurs who are invested in your success—because you are invested in theirs.

And when you put the right structure in place for these groups, so that business owners are both supported and challenged within the confines of a confidential, trusting, open, ego-free environment, well, that’s when the MAGIC happens.

Peer advisory groups help business owners and leaders:

  • Make better decisions / avoid costly mistakes
  • Be held Accountable when no one else will
  • Grow personally and professionally
  • Avoid Isolation when facing key decisions – it doesn’t have to be lonely at the top
  • Manage Change effectively, a crucial skill in today’s business world

Being a member of the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce provides excellent opportunities to network with other business owners, share common challenges, and help each other find practical solutions to those challenges. In other words, your Chamber membership includes a peer network of business owners that you can access to help you run your business better.

Business owners who would like to go a step further and join a structured, formalized peer advisory group may want to consider the TEC (The Executive Group) Canada model.   Each TEC Canada peer advisory group provides a confidential environment, comprised of 10-12 likeminded leaders from non-competing businesses, to help you process the major issues that you and your business face every year.

This is achieved through the combination of the four TEC Canada pillars:

  1. Confidential peer group meetings centered around a proven model for effective evaluation and processing of the biggest issues, decisions, and opportunities in your business;
  • Monthly one-to-one coaching/mentoring sessions;
  • World-class professional workshop speakers; and
  • Access to a national and global network of business leaders and business-building resources.

60 years of data from TEC Canada show that business owners stay in a peer advisory groups for an average of seven years. Why? Because they work:

Member companies grow an average of 2.2 times faster than similar businesses who are not TEC peer group members.

If you want to make better decisions, become a better leader, and create better results personally and professionally, consider joining a TEC Canada peer advisory group today.

Andy Clark is a TEC Canada Small Business Chair who connects business owners and leaders to their very own peer advisory group dedicated to your success and growth. Andy is also the President of Clarkie Consulting and a proud member of the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce.

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