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by Corey Porteous, Director of Marketing & Inbound Business Development, Office Interiors 

Whether you are working from home or the office, your chair is arguably your most crucial ergonomic tool, but only if it’s set up correctly. Thankfully, configuring a task chair is quite easy if you know what to look for. 

Here are some of the most important things to consider when configuring your chair. 

  1. Put Important Items Within Reach 

Although task chairs are designed to allow mobility, you will likely spend most of your time sitting still in one area or position. You want your most-used items within reach as you sit in your chair. 

Your keyboard, mouse, phone, and essential drawers should not require you to stretch or lean too much. If your chair is placed too far away from your keyboard, then you will begin to bend, slouch, and stretch as you type. This poor posture can lead to long-term back problems. 

  1. Adjust Your Monitor to Eye Level 

Now that you have your keyboard and mouse comfortably within reach, it’s time to consider the placement of your monitor. Your eyes will be focused on this important device for a significant portion of the day, so you must have your monitor set up correctly. 

The first step to find the right monitor height is to adjust your task chair height. Your feet should comfortably sit flat on the ground, with your back resting against the backrest of the chair.  The chair should not pressure your thighs; your knees should be at approximately a 90-degree angle. 

Once your chair height is set, then you can adjust your monitor height. If you use a laptop, then you may need to use a laptop stand or, in a pinch, a stack of books to ensure that your laptop display aligns with your eyes. 

Ideally, your computer monitor will be directly at eye level. Your eyes should align a few lines of text down from the top of the monitor. 

Having the correct height of your task chair related to your monitor will help prevent slouching and back pain. 

  1. Give Your Arms a Rest 

While typing at your computer isn’t typically a strenuous activity, it’s still essential to ensure your arms get rest throughout the day.  

A critical adjustment to make to your task chair when you first sit down is to adjust the armrests. Your armrests should be set at a height that allows your elbows to rest at keyboard height comfortably.  

Try to form a 90-to-110-degree angle from your upper arm to your forearm. Your elbows should rest comfortably at your side and not need to stretch outward to reach the rests.  Improper armrest levels can cause your shoulders and neck to cramp and slouch forward, leading to an incorrect posture.  

  1. Your Chair Has Got Your Back 

Without proper support, you may notice lower back pain after a long day of sitting. Even minor back pain can be a significant annoyance and distraction or lead to more severe long-term inflammation and injuries. 

Taking time to adjust a task chair correctly can go a long way in preventing unnecessary pain.  Always ensure you have modified the lumbar support in your backrest to fit the curve of your lower back. 

Bonus: Ask an Expert! 

If you feel pain while using your chair, you may want to contact an ergonomist or occupational therapist for advice. Or, if you decide to replace your chair, we have made it easier than ever by offering our best-selling task chairs on our new online store! Check them out at! 

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